St. Andrew's Primary School

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Ventrus MAT

PE/Sports Premium 2020-21

In the academic year 2020-21, the school will receive £36,830 in PE/Sports Premium funding.

For our comprehensive Sports Premium 2020-21 spending plan, please follow this link: Sports Premium 2020-21

Action Plan Overview for 2020-21 Academic Year  

Sporting Activity Funds Anticipated Impact on Attainment / Participation
Swimming £3230

Years 5 and 6 will receive a 6 week block of swimming sessions including on-going assessment. Able Year 6 swimmers will receive 1 stamina session.


Years 3 and 4 will receive a 6 week block of swimming sessions including on-going assessment.


Year 6 children will be given the opportunity to participate in 'self-saving rescue'.


Paid Level 2 instructor. 

Transport £705

Children to access a range of sporting opportunities that they would otherwise not have the chance to do through covering transport costs. 

Wider sporting opportunities / collaborative partnerships £TBC

External provider to visit school and deliver an after school club to the children. This club is to be a sport that the majority of children have not participated in before.


Ensure all teaching staff offer one after school club throughout the year, with a high emphasis on physical activity. 


Development of school based provision £6045

Ensure all teaching staff offer one after school club throughout the year, with a high emphasis on physical activity. 


Groups of children throughout the school to attend interventions with a SAINTS Southwest coach. The focus of these sessions will change each half term. 


MTAs to provide the children with activities throughout lunchtime - training can be provided for this from SAINTS Southwest.

Additional sports coaches £0

Damian Price to run a 6-week course that will cover all aspects of cricket. These sessions will be delivered to a minimum of four classes throughout our school.

Celebration of success £100

Celebration Assembly every Friday to ensure sport success has a high profile, celebrating sporting achievements in and out of school. Achievements to be celebrated with certificates, trophies and medals. Create a sporting achievements and clubs board for children to see. All pupils to receive recognition for sporting and physical achievements across the year. 

Sports Leaders













Play Leaders















Year 6 Sports Leaders - elected by students and staff - to support PE lessons, check and help maintain PE equipment and assist with events such as 'Run a mile for Comic Relief' and Sports Day. Sports Leader hoodies to be purchased to raise profile of Sports Leaders and be aspirational for other children. Children of all ages to be supported and peer mentored by the Sports Leaders.


Buy Sports Leaders jumpers to raise profile / identity and encourage children to aspire to become a Sports Leader in Year 6.



6 Play Leaders in Year 5 will be selected by staff to support MTAs with activities during lunchtime.  Buy Play Leader badges to raise profile / identity and encourage children to become a Play Leader in Year 5. 

Role Models £500 (approx)

Local sporting personalities, champions, instructors etc to be invited in to work with the children and inspire them in sporting activities. 


Demonstration of more clubs on offer for children to become more engaged.

Staff CPD








The school has invested in the REAL PE curriculum which will improve the staff’s confidence and subject knowledge. This also includes high quality resources across the year groups. Staff will receive CPD sessions on how best to use REAL PE and REAL GYM.



CCC will release teachers to provide further training for staff, support with events and PE lessons and provide guidance if/when needed.


Some of our Sports Funding goes towards making up the difference between the amount of voluntary contributions and the actual cost of the activity. This funding has enabled every child across the school to attend swimming lessons regardless of their current swimming abilities.

Meeting National Curriculum Requirements for swimming and water safety %
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: 64%
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively (for example front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke): 30%
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations: 36%
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? Yes 


The money helps finance part coach transportation to and from a variety of sporting events within the county. We are able to attend all of these sports events without having to rely on parents to provide their own transportation.

Wider Opportunities / Collaborative Partnerships

As part of the School Sports Partnership Programme, the funding has allowed us to participate fully in a number of CVSA, CCC, PAT sporting initiatives and East Devon sporting events, competed at local, area and county level in different disciplines.

Additional Coaches

The funding has enabled us to forge strong links with the Saints Southwest and we enjoy weekly training and CPD from a highly qualified sporting coach. This year we will be participating in festivals to celebrate what we have learnt during each term as well competing in a variety of sporting tournaments involving other Ventrus schools. This external coaching provision allows us to identify our most talented footballers and form an elite football squad who receive additional weekly coaching and participate in a number of Ventrus football tournaments.


We continue to invest in the REAL PE curriculum. We will continue staff training and development as well as buying new resources in order to deliver this high quality teaching.

Included in this expenditure is the lead PE teacher attending termly local community meetings to share practice, ideas and developments.

Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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