St. Andrew's Primary School

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Ventrus MAT

Our Local Governing Body

Welcome to the Governors' section of our school's website.

Your school governors are members of the local community and include parents of pupils at the school. Parent governors are elected by parents and co-opted governors are appointed through the Local Governing Body (LGB). The LGB works with the Head Teacher, School Leadership team and staff to ensure that together we achieve the common aim of providing the best possible education and welfare for all our pupils in a safe and happy environment. In order to fulfil this role, we work hard to gain as full an understanding as possible of the varied aspects of school life, by attending governor meetings, focused school visits and attend many school events. Newly appointed governors will follow a detailed induction plan and will be supported by the Chair of Governors and the Head Teacher.

Governors are all unpaid volunteers who willingly give their time to work together promoting high standards through support and challenge to the Head Teacher. The LGB operates in legal terms as a Committee of the Board of Ventrus Multi Academy Trust and receives its delegated powers from Ventrus.

Because we are a committee of a corporate body, governors cannot act on his/her own without proper authority from the LGB and we all share equal responsibility for decisions made. At all times we treat each other with dignity and respect. LGB governors undertake to abide by a standard Code of Practice and accept LGB Terms of Reference which include:

  1. Monitor School Improvement Plan
  2. Review progress against School Improvement Plan
  3. Review the quality of teaching (anonymously)
  4. Receive reports on School Performance Data
  5. Monitor Head Teacher Budget
  6. Monitor implementation of behaviour policies
  7. Review behaviour and discipline policy
  8. Consult on admissions arrangement if appropriate
  9. Monitor the implementation of local premises-related policies and procedures
  10. Develop and implement processes to meet Directors’ responsibilities, as specifically delegated through the year
  11. Monitor implementation of Ventrus H&S Policy
  12. Monitor the implementation of Safeguarding Policy and Annual Safeguarding audit
  13. Report on Risks to Board
  14. Propose, and regularly review a Critical Incident Plan

Each governor has a particular area of responsibility within the local governing body.  In brief, these are:


  • Safeguarding Named Governor.  Working with the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) the Safeguarding governor offers support in monitoring the Schools safeguarding action plan.  With the DSO they have many responsibilities for example ensuring that relevant people are properly DBS checked, that the Single Central Record is up to date, all correct procedures regarding children in need, looked after children, child protection registered children etc. are correctly followed in line with procedural mandates and timelines.  They ensure all current legislation is up to date and training schedules and refresher courses are properly maintained including any spot check on procedures or cases.
  • Health and Safety Named Governor. In general, the H&S governor works with Ventrus premises lead to ensure we have a Health and Safety policy and have arrangements in place to monitor it, suggesting appropriate H&S procedures and practices are undertaken by Ventrus.  The governor and premises lead undertakes regular termly H&S inspections of the site with risk assessments being reviewed regularly.    
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability Named Governor.  The named governor works closely with the SEND Co-ordinator in fulfilling its statutory duties and adhere to the SEND Code of Practice 2014 and the Ventrus SEND Policy to ensure all of our pupils are able to access the same opportunities for learning and social development.  Thereby, achieving maximum progress, fulfilling their potential and promoting their well-being.  The governor provides termly progress reports to the LGB.  More detail on the SEND provision can be found on the website.

The named governors will ensure the LGB are informed of any issues by completing termly reports and audits.

In addition, the LGB appoints the Chair of the Local Governing Body.  As well as efficient chairing of LBG meetings, the Chair also meets regularly with the Head teacher with meetings focused on promoting and maintaining high standards of education and Pupils welfare.  In addition, and separate to the LGB, the Chair along with all other Ventrus LGB Chairs will attend 3 further meetings with the directors and representatives of the Ventrus board where issues are discussed as well as opportunities to share good practice.  The Chair provides feedback to the LGB.

We would not be able to function effectively if it wasn’t for our LGB Clerk.  The clerk is appointed by the LGB and their function is important and involves a wide range of responsibilities including providing procedural advice as well as submitting agendas and minutes of meeting.

Who are we?


Leanne Arrowsmith
Headteacher - Ex Officio Governor

Paul Dickson
I am a co-opted governor and chair at St. Andrew’s. Running a childminding business, I have a hands on knowledge of children's and parents’ needs, which also provides a useful link between staff, parents,
pre-schools and the children. I am the Safeguarding named governor. The safeguarding and Health & Safety aspects of my day to day role also interlink with these needs within the school criteria, and I am also available for daily parental contact in my role as the After School Club provision.
I can be contacted via email

Sheela Mould
Co-opted Governor and vice-chair - appointed 19th November 2019
My son is currently at St Andrews in Year 5 and I have been a parent governor since 2019. I am a Professor within the University of Plymouth’s Business school and I specialise in economic performance, productivity and social-economic inequalities.  As an educator I am very interested in all aspects of the Curriculum and very much enjoy my visits to St Andrews’s to see first- hand just how the many hours of planning are implemented in practice and how it benefits the children. 
I can be contacted via email

 Ursula Easton Pool
Governor - Appointed May 2018
My children used to attend St. Andrew's. They are now Secondary age. I’ve extensive training, and lived experiences of additional needs, and am neuro-divergent myself. I am currently the named SEND Governor for St Andrews. 

Ben Pote
I am on the Governing Body as a staff representative.  I currently work at St. Andrew's full time as one of the Year 4 teachers, with additional responsibilities for IT and internet safety.  I am extremely passionate in continuing to improve the provision for all of our children and look forward to continuing working within the Governing Body.

Amanda Ballard
Parent Governor - Appointed November 2019
In 2019, I assumed the role of parent governor when my eldest child enrolled at St Andrew’s. As a primary school teacher with several years of experience in education and a particular fondness for English, I currently hold the responsibility of overseeing reading, writing and phonics within my governor role. I enjoy engaging with both staff and children, observing and celebrating progress made throughout the year.

James Alsopp
Parent Governor - Appointed December 2021
I am the named Health & Safety Governor. I have two children at St Andrews, in years 6 and 2. When not at work or spending time with my family, I volunteer my time with the Trussell Trust Food Bank. My key interested include: sustainability, the environment and A&I.

Caroline Jones
Parent Governor - Appointed September 2022
I am on the Governing Body overseeing the SEND and EYFS provision. I am interested helping to support and deliver the best educational opportunities for the pupils of the school. I am currently an active member of the PTFA. My previous roles have included Global Retail Management, UK and overseas Charity work and being a Special Constable for Devon and Cornwall Police. 

Markus Adcock
Parent Governor - Appointed October 2022
I am a serving Royal Navy engineering officer and live locally in Cullompton. Married with 4 young boys, the eldest of which attends St Andrew’s, I am currently engaged with the development of the Combat System for the Royal Navy’s future Anti-Submarine Warfare Frigate Programme, the Type 26 Global Combat Ship. Working in Bristol, and at home whenever possible, I have served across the world, with operational tours spanning the Middle East, United States and the Arctic. Whilst children consume much of my time when at home, I enjoy all sports but predominantly running and squash.


Local Governing Body Declaration of Business Interests (LGB DoBI) 2023-24



Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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