St. Andrew's Primary School

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Ventrus MAT


Class of the Week:  

A big well-done to Cuckoos class who have  won our ‘Class of the Week’ award for having the highest class attendance of an amazing 99.6%! Tick-Tock Ted is looking forward to spending next week in Cuckoos class.


Attendance Wheel of Fortune

This week, Cuckoos and Robins classes achieved over 98% attendance and won a spin of the

Attendance Wheel.  A big well done for winning the following rewards:

Cuckoos: Extra Playtime

Robins: 100 house points for every child in the class




A reminder that ALL MEDICINES must be handed in to the school office at the start of the school day by an adult. 

Children must NOT be bringing medicine to school in their school bags and must not be self administering medication of any kind. For the safety of all of our children, it is vital that all medicines are processed by the admin team and administered by members of staff. 

All medicines must be accompanied by a completed online Administration of Medication form.

This applies to all medicines, creams, sun creams etc.


Piano Lessons

Local piano teacher, Caroline Clapp, has spaces available for in-school piano lessons from September 2024 onwards. For more information, please contact Caroline direct on 07411 243058.


Guitar Lessons

James Eady (Guitar Teacher) will be continuing to offer in-school Guitar lessons from September onwards.

Individual lessons cost £18 for 30 mins or a group lesson (max 2 children) is priced at £9 for 30 mins.

For more information, please contact James directly: / 07879 774481.


Parent Survey 2024

Each academic year we invite all of our parents and carers to complete an online survey, providing your feedback and evaluation of our school as a whole. We would be grateful to receive a response from every family so that we get a comprehensive view of your experiences with us. If you have more than one child in school with us, please complete one survey for each child. 

Link to Parent / Carer Survey 2024 

The survey is anonymous and is open for responses until 7pm on Friday 5th July 2024.



School Crossing Patrol

Please be aware that there will NOT be a school crossing patrol on duty on 17th, 18th or 19th June 2024. If your child walks to or from school by themselves, please speak with them about crossing the road safely and the importance of being sensible and aware on their journeys to and from school.



School Rules

We would like to remind our families of our before-and-after-school rules:

*All children are expected to wait sensibly with their adult until their class is called into school.

*Please remind children in Years 5 and 6 who walk to and from school by themselves about the importance of behaving sensibly and respectfully on the school field before and after school. 

*The climbing frames are for use during school time only. Children are not allowed to use these outside of school hours. 

*Respect our premises by not kicking or hanging off of our school signs, not sitting on our planters etc. Repair costs will be sought from any families that have been found to cause damage to school property.

*Show kindness to any animals that may be outside, such as the cat that regularly comes over to say hello. Taunting or hurting any creatures is unkind and simply unacceptable. 

*Only families with pushchairs and/or mobility issues should be using the decked walkways to access the playgrounds. It is vital that these spaces are kept as clear as possible for our children when entering and exiting the school.

*We do not have the facility to store bikes or scooters on-site; if children ride these to school, they must be taken home again. Children must not be riding these at any time on our premises for the safety of all of our families. 

*Where possible, we encourage all of our families to walk to and from school. The estate can become very congested at drop off and collection times, so if you are driving, please be mindful of our children, other drivers and local residents. Please ensure that you are driving slowly and parking sensibly. 

*For health, safety and hygiene purposes, we are a completely dog-free site. There must not be dogs on our premises at any time, including those being carried. If you are not happy with leaving your dog tied up outside, then please do not bring them on the school run. Any parents attempting to access our site with their dog will be politely asked to leave.



Ventrus MAT

Ventrus (formerly The Primary Academies Trust) was set up in 2011 by a group of like minded headteachers who wanted to build a stable and secure platform from which they could grow a network of excellent schools.

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