The School Office
Important Information from the School Office
Our School Office Team, Mrs. Tiffany Case, Miss Emily Francis, Mrs. Julie Pike and Mrs. Sharon Harris (Wednesdays), will be your first point of contact for most school-related queries and questions.
The school office is open from 8.45am - 9.15am and 3.15 - 3.45pm daily: outside of these times, the admin team can be contacted via phone or email.
Our team will be happy to assist you with reporting your child absent, medical and holiday absence forms, handing in prescription medication that your child will need during the day, requesting a telephone call or meeting with your child’s class teacher, passing on messages or any other queries that you may have.
Absence and Sickness
A class register is taken every morning and afternoon. The register is a legal document and therefore has to be accurate and up-to-date.
If your child is unwell and therefore unable to attend school, please telephone the school office on 01884 32206 and select the option for ‘absence voicemail’ before 9am. We must hear from you every day that your child is absent. Failure to report your child's absence on a daily basis may be treated as a safeguarding concern.
If your child has to attend a medical or dental appointment, please inform the school office at least 24-hours prior to the appointment by completing one of our Medical Absence forms.
Arriving Late
If your child arrives late to school (after 9am) for any reason, please ensure that you bring them to school through the main entrance and sign them in at the office. A member of staff will then let your child in.
For school dinners and school trip payments, we use the online Parent Pay system.
Please note we are unable to accept cash payments under any circumstances.